In 2019, 3.75 million individuals were
estimated to be users of narcotics, aged 12-65 which corresponds to 7.46% of
the total population. Marijuana is used mostly, others include opium, morphine,
heroin and methamphetamine in all forms which are sometimes combined and given
nicknames such as cocktail and so on. Intravenous use of some of these
narcotics leads to infections such as hepatitis C and sudden death.
Consumers of these narcotics deliver them in unsuspecting ways via birthday cakes, electronics, delivery boxes, hampers, among others which makes it harder for families with addicts to help their kin in ceasing drug use. Narcotic users start from early teenage years and some parents are aware their children or wards are on drugs and are not bothered because they also use them, therefore, it is popularly becoming a ”generational tradition” especially among those of high societal and socio-economic class.
Although in the last quarter of 2020, the government of Thailand decriminalized more than 100 drugs to be used in the world of medicine and research, cocaine, opium and morphine inclusive. Any individual or organization in need of these drugs have to seek approval from the government according to the proclamation of the law but many public health enthusiasts are in doubt this will reduce the spike of narcotics use among the populace.
The government of Thailand at all levels is
working with all related sectors including the security chiefs and
Non-governmental Organizations to curb the use of narcotics
As a Public health advocate, I am using social media while doing one on one advocacy in Bangkok and I also plan to work as a
volunteer with Non-governmental organizations actively involved in curbing
the use of narcotics.
In conclusion, I believe working with
rehabilitation centers and those who have ceased drug use will greatly decrease
narcotic use in Bangkok. The addicts have to listen to their colleagues, as
well as believe they can live a normal live without any drug, even in its
tiniest quantities.
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