So much talk globally about tertiary institutions not allowing Muslim ladies observe the hijab and it does not make sense looking at it from any angle. My parents almost sent me to a catholic medical school in India, because of religious tolerance. I strongly believe a lot of the work is done from home, academic institutions are supplements on religious knowledge. I went to Christian primary schools & you can't compare me with some who went to Muslim schools when we got to secondary level, It's like comparing grey and white if not black and white.
Charity begins at home not at school, the mistake some parents make is leaving everything to faith-based academic institutions. I went to an Islamic University, I do tell people I went to christian schools and they are shocked cos it looks like I went to muslim schools, faith-based schools are nothing if you do not train your child at home. Religious exposure makes your children better individuals.
So much religious intolerance across the globe but I feel solving it is easiest when we attend the schools of other religions provided we are allowed to practice our religion. I can have a beautiful relationship with any christian because of my religious exposure. Growing up I saw my dad invest in and even house christians, which I feel going to christian schools increased his religious tolerance. Some people get shocked when they see a muslim call their religious leader they almost worship "uncle" or "aunty", it's how far our views are decaying.
Religious exposure helps in solving our one world crisis. The world is becoming more complex and I don't think making Muslims go to only Muslim schools and Christians to only Christian schools does any good. More collaboration, peaceful co-existence is how we can make the world better and stop the decay. I yearn to see a world where a christian is not triggered by hijab or the recitation of the Quran and the muslim by evangelism, IT IS ACHIEVABLE.
Religious exposure makes the globe a better place. Our parents, community and religious leaders, should please allow more religious interactions to stop the decay of religious intolerance at all levels. Religious exposure makes people better individuals, helps in solving our one world crisis, and makes the world a better place for all. Religious tolerance is the future and it is a need at all levels.
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